
Ongoing Plans and Upcoming Meetings about Rezoning in Samish Neighborhood

Now, the Samish neighborhood has three rezoning plans ongoing.  They might interest many of you, the Samish residents because they would change the characters of the areas and might also affect the environments of the areas where you live. How much do you know about these rezoning? Here is brief introduction about these rezoning plans:

  1. Area 1 (the west of South Ashley St., the north of Byron Ave.)
    The area is located in the northern end of the neighborhood. Rezoning the area from Commercial Auto—for “auto-related uses”—to Commercial Planned, which allows more variety of use, including “mixed residential and commercial uses.”
  2. Area 4 (the Church of Christ):
    Rezoning from Residential to Commercial. This plan is along with remodeling of the Church of Christ, to allow the Pacific Harbor Psychology to put its new medical clinic in the area. A public hearing was held in the City Council Regular Meeting on Oct.13.
  3. Area 9 (the opposite side of the Church of Christ, between the Elks Lodge and the Community Baptist Church)
    The area is planned to be rezoned to Planned Commercial for broader range of use.
    Public hearing is held at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 20, at the City Council Chamber, 210 Lottie St., Bellingham. Materials will be available on the COB website (about a week prior to the meeting).

*Other relevant sources are provided by the Samish Neighborhood Association website.

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